Thursday 23 February 2012

50 Best Websites [post one]

Although i can't guarantee you that all of them are the UNKNOWN websites, but you'll surely find some life changing websites below.

  The internet has changed all of our lives, hopefully in a more positive direction.
  You can use these sites just for entertainment or you can use them to change your life.
  Many of them you visit all the time but it’s time to look at them another way and harness their power.
  *sites are not in particular order 

1.  Myspace - It is an popular social network on web , though it has many spams
    Some folks absolutely hate myspace, but many of people have launched their careers through it .
    Many artists,musicians have achieved “overnight” sucess using this social networking website .
    Like facebook you can connect with friends but myspace makes it easier for networking with people you               don’t know and create new business contacts.

2.  Digg - many will agree with this choice, while others will strongly disagree.
    But Digg can open you up to a whole new realm of news.
    You can visit the homepage once a day and instantly become up to date on what’s going on in the world.
    You can use Digg to your advantage, find the latest trends in business or find articles on improving your life.
    bloggers use this site to gain traffic over their blog

3.   Lifehack - Lifehack can help you get things done. This blog has in depth articles on all things that do with       productivity.

4.  YouTube - If you want to work in the entertainment industry, YouTube is a great way to get your feet wet and at a very low cost.
      You have an audience of millions of people at your disposal.

5.  Google - This is an obvious one. I really don’t know how we lived without Google in the early days of the internet.

6.    Twitter - Twitter is based on concept of micro blogging . Twitter may someday save lives by people quickly alerting others of dangerous situations to avoid.
     During the California fires, people used Twitter to let friends know that they were safe.
      You can also use Twitter as a way to help with your business networking by knowing where your business contacts are at.

7    eBay - eBay can save you a lot of money but can also bring you immense opportunities. You can easily create an online business that reaches millions of buyers. Many people have very successful million dollar enterprises using ebay.

8  Zen Habits - This blog is similar to by offering simple productivity to get the most of your life.

9.  Post Secret - The Post Secret project shows you that we’re all very much the same. It can also show you that others may have worse problems than the ones your facing.

10. Wikipedia - Not everything on Wikipedia is accurate but there is so much information on almost every topic possible. Don’t know about something, just look it up on Wikipedia and within a few minutes you can be informed

11.  LinkedIn - You can use LinkedIn to network with professionals from all areas of business including Fortune 500 companies*

12.  TED- This website is full of various videos from TED conferences and has biographies on some of the greatest thinkers of present time. Presentations from successful people such as Tony Robbins, Richard Branson, Jeff Bezos, Bono, Seth Godin, and Jane Goodall. Most videos are a few minutes long but can empower you for years to come.

13. The Fastlane to Millions - This is a relatively new and small forum for those who are or aspire to be entrepreneurs and millionaires. The members are very positive and want to help each other get the most out of life.

14  Quoteland - You can visit Quoteland and read hundreds of quotes that will give you a fresh perspective and change your life in minutes. If you have an open mind.

15. - social bookmarking site . for sharing , exploring webpages

 what site been most beneficial to you or changed your life? Leave a comment below.