Wednesday 22 February 2012

Discover through stumbling

Higher minds might find this post useless but until i was unaware of this discovery engine I found Internet to be useless or it was just very precise to me like
if you want something go and Google it and you will get your topic but how to discover our interest in best way? i got answer when i created account on this site

So Stumble upon is best interface to discover your interest on web.
you just tell or feed what you like and and stumble upon will introduce amazing web pages with respect to your interest as you start stumbling web .

on top of this site you will see a bar where options like,dislike,comment so keep liking or disliking them so as you like or dislike any page
on your feedback the recommendations of webpage will be there to your screen

Here again you can maintain your profile, you can follow more stumblers and even see their interest

Home page:

 Showing likes of user:

Any Random Webpage Stumbled:
  • => if you want to blow trumpet of your site so just go for that also and you will surely gain traffic over that site.

  • => so GET STARTED now and save your interest which follows like cellphones ,computer, Dj mixing, night life, health, history ,photography and many more
  • => as you will like any page it will also save your interest in case you want to recall that site just click on profile and find that page isn't easy ?
  • => you can even find it's application which are available easily either it's your iPhone , iPad or blackberry or android you can download and go through it
  • => if you want to share page on any of your Facebook or twitter account you can do it as well.
  • => Different channels are also present follow them to discover more about those channels
  • => Also available different modes in which you can precise your interest

So manage your interest manage your profile and KEEP DISCOVERING :)

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