Saturday 18 February 2012

Taking maximum out of google

nine out of ten people are unaware about these small tips through we can make a effective search from google and can make a large difference in our search results.
machine does not understand the feeling :D it just compiles text to text and search content on web and produce results so we will let you know the operators i.e search
terms to help in finding more specific search results

so here is the tricks and tips for online research:-

=> site:NAME OF SITE by this google will search from the pages of specific site

=> to search for exact phase like annual marks or basketball rules etc write it in double quotes " phase to search "

=> for related search use ~ sign before the word

=> - sign followed by key word is used to exclude that word from search

=> think about answer to be phrased dont ask questions " like what is google " instead of ti try " filetype:pdf/jpeg/doc entitle:google

=> if you want some written stuff by any author,poet or aan resource person just try like author/writer: "name of topic"

=> if you want defination just write " Define:word "

=> want to calculate something dont try to find site or anything just google like " (987*889)/98998-3433+122334 "

=> want to convet some thing just google it "234 in celcius"

=> try command+f to find items on page

ao it was about google so keep googling stay connected because we surf for you :D :)

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